She really does knit!
I still can't find my damn cord for my camera, but I finally popped my memory stick into the pc, and dumped the pictures onto my jump drive so that I could post them via the laptop. :op
<<- First up... knitting on vacation. Last weekend the family and I went "Up North" to Beulah, MI. I visited one of the two LYS' in the village. The Yarn Market is a very cute little shop that also shares space with a place called Beading Frenzy. Oh the joy of browsing yarn and beads in one store! Wee!

Next... knitting at the Drive In. Yes, there really is a drive in that's still open 7 days a week, and it's in Michigan! The Cherry Bowl in Honor, MI is a fabulous place and a family tradition of ours each time we go Up North. While waiting for dusk the kids went to play mini golf and I stayed in the car and worked on my Moderne Baby Blanket for Devin. :o)
Here's Devin modeling what's done of his blanket so far. :o) Heather requested I did headless photos because they were taken at the Clare rest area on the way home after a very long day of being out in the wind. :o) I've got less than 60 days to get this badboy finished! Technically he's due on the 11th of October, but because Heather will be having a section we'll be meeting Devin probably on the 1st or 2nd. :o)

Today during my lunch break I went to one of my favorite parking spots and sat in my car and worked on my 2nd sock.
Looking good so far... much better than my first sock did at this point. LOL Ignore my dirty car!

I have another picture to post but Blogger is being a brat, so I'm going to try it in another post. :o)
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