should be in bed. I have school at 9 and it's after midnight. My contacts are cloudy and I'm starting to yawn a lot. BUT... I'm going to make a post, damn it. I've been neglecting this blog and my knitting. So I'm making a post before I pass out. :o)
So let's see... I'm about 99% done with my first felting project. I made a
bag. I haven't put a strap on it yet because I'm not sure yet if I want to buy a strap or make one, but I'm muchly happy with the felting. It's a little lopsided, but for my first felted thing, I'm cool with crooked. :) It's supposed to be a courier bag that's big enough to hold a laptop and mine is
so not big enough for my laptop... but again, I still like it. :)
Before Felting
After Felting

Today on my lunch I went over to Rae's and checked the place out. It's seriously about the size of my living room (maybe smaller), but very sweet. ;) I bought my first sock pattern *gasp* and some pretty cool sequin stuff that I have no idea what I'll use it on but I love it. :)
Tonight I found myself at Michaels where they had clearanced yarn. Hello! Yay! I got a total of 9 rolls of yarn and sock needles for less than thirty bucks. :)
I got this funky ribbon stuff by Moda-Dea to make this with... $1.00 a ball!

I got four rolls of Aerie by Moda-Dea (Ecru & Black) because it was less than three bucks a roll and was originally almost $9 each.

I also bought two things of Micro Spun by Lion Brand (not on sale) because it's so deliciously soft and I wanted to try making these. My hands get so cold when I'm knitting and when I'm typing, I think these will be fabulous when they're done. I originally planned on making them two colors, but I was watching X-Men 2 on tv while knitting and I kept messing up my sticthes and after ripping it out several times I decided just to do one color for now. So my first attempt is Black, then if I succeed I can make the bright-ass Lime green variety. :) I think I'm taking this to class with me today. Gotta have something to keep my hands busy when I'm not taking notes. Plus, think of how much I could get done if I knitted throughout the day (my class is from 9-5).
Anywho... I'd share more pictures but my camera is having a break down and doing weird shit like this...

Not a happy camper... hopefully it just needs batteries. That's part of my fingerless glove thingies though... :)
And now I must take my butt to bed because 7:00 is going to come much too fast. :)