Yet another blog...
I love knitting, reading, seeing movies, playing with kids, traveling, cuddling with my furkids, laughing, drinking coffee, and helping people. I'm a student, a sister, an aunt, a daughter, a support group leader, a roommate, a co-worker, and so much more.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Moderne Baby Quilt
Well here's my Moderne Baby Quilt in progress... I'm currently on Block #4, but haven't taken another picture yet. :o) I'm using Lion Brand MicroSpun because it's super soft, washable, not too expensive, and I love the bright colors. I'm also using Size 6 needles because for some reason I don't own size 7 needles. :op

Monday, June 26, 2006
Another weekend, no post.
I actually got some knitting done this weekend, but still haven't found the time to post any pictures yet. Hopefully tonight though because my Dog Sitting gig is officially over and I'm back home with my kitties and a computer that was actually built in the 2000's. :o)
I've started Block 4 of my moderne baby quilt for No-Name Bay-Bay. 117 more days til I can meet him in person and smootch all over his cute little face. :o) Which also means 117 days to finish the quilt. LOL FYI: For anyone who doesn't know... No-Name Bay-Bay is my nephew. My brother is very weird about names, and won't tell anyone what he wants to name this baby *including my sister-in-law... they agreed with Baby #1 that She would pick the first name for girls, and he the middle name then vice versa for boys... really hasn't worked that way, but whatever... We've got Ravyn (age 6) and Wesley (age 3) so far...* So we call this one No-Name Bay-Bay because Wesley calls him "Bay-Bay." :o) "Him just Bay-Bay, him doesn't have a name..." hehe
And speaking of babies, major congrats to Kristi & her hubby! Triplets! Woo hoo!
I got to love on a 1 week old precious little monster girl last night. My sister-in-law's cousin popped out baby #3 last week and we went to visit last night. She's so freaking cute she made my babymaker hurt more than it already does. I NEED to have a baby! :o)
In other news... 19 days til Florida, and 21 days til the big birthday. :o)
Oh and my Grandpa is doing better. Still worried about him because last I heard he's still having halucinations, but... everything else is doing better.
And on that note, I realllly need to get to work. :o)
Monday, June 19, 2006
Still here
Just a quickie... I'm at work and am up to my eyeballs in crap, so yeah...
My grandpa was in the hospital Tuesday-Sunday, I missed two days of work and skipped out on half of my Saturday class (they're going to let me make up my oral presentation... how sweet of them), but things are getting normalish again. Hospital sitting is good for knitting... I'm on my 3rd block of my Moderne Baby Quilt and I love it. I took a picture but I have to find my cord so I can upload the bad boy online. I've been house/dog sitting for my Uncle since Wednesday so I don't have access to a normal computer actually made in the 2000's that has a card reader. LOL Well, I take that back... I have Warren (my laptop) but he doesn't have a card reader because he's a laptop. But yeah... my aunt/uncle's computer is like circa 1940. *giggles*
Anywho... school is over, except for that pesky oral presentation that I need to make up next week, and the knitting/fiction reading/writing fabulousness has begun. :o)
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Easy like Sunday Morning
So last night after realizing it was WWKIP day I gathered up my knitting in my trusty Kermit bag and went out to my Starbucks. I spent about 3 hours (maybe 2.5) there and began my first Moderne Baby Blanket. I'm already a big fan of the basic pattern of this blanket. I'm capable of doing projects with more detailed directions, but they drive me nuts because I like to be able to knit without thinking. :op
Anyway... I'm using Lion Brand's Micro Spun because it's what I had in my stash and because it's deliciously soft and washable. I have no intention of making a blanket out of something that can't be washed. LOL I'm also using size 7 needles instead of 6 like the book says because for some reason I don't own any size 6 needles. :op Right now I only have two colors, but I'm pretty sure what the other two will be. I have Lime, and Black right now and if I recall correctly there is also a really funky bright orange, purple, pink, and blue to choose from in this yarn. So it's going to be very bright and funky. I'll have to see the colors together though before I decide on the other two. I keep telling myself that I won't go buy the yarn today but yeah... what good is an afternoon of hanging out and shopping with a best bud if you can't go to a store and buy yarn too? :op Then when Saturday is over and I am homework free until the fall, I'll be all set to knit. Woo!
I have a picture but I'm not sure where my cord is right now and my pc with the handy slot where I can just pop my memory stick into is currently sick thanks to my roommate. *groans and throws things*
Nevermind... found the cord. LOL Here's what I managed to get done so far.
The picture doesn't do justice for the color of the green, but oh well. :o) It's bright ass lime green. :o) Here's the swatch from Lion Brand's site... It's not a great picture either, but that bottom color is my green. :o)
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Oh nooo!
I just realized it's Knit In Public Day. Crap. I totally had planned on participating. I suppose I could still go to Starbucks and knit on a coffee-induced high until they close at 11:00. But what project do I take?! Hehe..
Shoulda coulda woulda
I haven't knitted in almost a week. I've been trying to decide if I should tackle Sock #2, or work on some other project that I haven't given any attention to lately. Then I think, "I really should be working on my paper and presentation for next week..." The result though has been that I haven't knitted or worked on my paper/presentation all week. Yay for slacking!
I did finally finish reading The Da Vinci Code this morning, so now I can see the movie. ;o) Good book but it got a little predictable toward the end. It's kind of sad when I'm able to figure out the password for the keystone before the characters did. LOL But... I liked the book. :o) Hopefully I'll get to see the movie tomorrow.
In knitting news, Threadbare is having another sale. I totally missed the one last weekend because I neglected to check my mail, but I got it this time... I really don't need to buy any more yarn nor do I need to go drifing up and down the clusters of yarn-joy over there but I want to.
What I should do: work on my paper.
What I want to do: go to Threadbare, then go to Starbucks with Warren (my laptop) and write a new chapter of one of my stories totally ignoring my paper.
Will Kellie do what she should do, or will she give in to temptation and engage in yarn, coffee, and fiction? Tune in next time.
lol I'm such a dork.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Not about knitting...
Since 1999 when I was doing an internship I have been a volunteer with Ele's Place. Ele's Place is a non-profit Healing Center for Grieving Children. Each week we run support groups 4-5 nights a week and serve 200 children between the ages of 3 and 18 in Mid Michigan who have expereienced the death of an important person or who currently know someone with a life threatening illness. We also run adult support groups for the parents/guardians of the children who are in our groups.
Click Me
I've worked with almost all of the different groups at Ele's Place over the years, but my true love is my current group which is the Pre-School/Kindergarten group on Wednesday nights. I've been this groups co-leader since 2000 which means I plan the groups and activities. The children in my group are 3-6 years old and are some of the most amazing people I've ever met. :o)
The groups that we provide are open-ended, meaning that a family can attend Ele's Place for two weeks, or two years, it's completely up to them. The groups are also provided at no cost. A few hundred volunteers like myself donate their skills, time, and hearts to the families each week in order for the program to work.
In order to provide this amazing resource though, we need people to donate money to help fund our program. This is where you will hopefully come in.
On July 23rd I'll be participating in the 2006 Ele's Race and I'm currently raising donations. So... I'm begging you to give something... anything! If you can give 50 cents, 1 dollar, or 100 dollars... anything you give will be put to good use.
Puhleeeeeese go to my personal race website and make a donation, then pass the link on if you feel compelled to do so. You can donate via Debit or Credit immediately at the website. If you'd prefer to mail a check or cash, contact me and I'll give you an address to mail a donation to.
Donate Here or copy and paste the link below:
I'm soooo serious when I say you can donate a dollar... if that's all you can spare, that's cool. Just donate. I'm begging. And I'll keep begging until July. :o)
Thank you if you've made it this far in the post, and thank you if you take a moment to give to these kids.
All my hugs,
Monday, June 05, 2006
Been a while...
Having class from 9-5 on Saturday only means one thing is for sure... knitting time! :op I'm not sure if my teacher is real fond of the idea, but she hasn't said anything so... *shrug* We were doing this problem assessment exercise at one point on Saturday and I used my knitting as an example. :op I said that when I'm tired in class I use knitting and doodling to stay focused. If I have something to do with my hands I'm more likely to retain the lecture. But if I just sit there and listen, I'll get about half of it, if that much. :o)
So I worked on my sock in class this past weekend and yesterday as I sat on a lounge over at my brother's house with the children running around like maniacs, I finished it. YAY! I'm quite proud of the sock, but the thought of doing the whole process again for the second sock is sort of an unhappy thought. :o) I did however buy circular needles to try socks on in the future. Picture later when I'm not at work. :o)
I finally managed to go into a Hobby Lobby this weekend. It's pretty much a big crap store, but some of the sections were nice. I was quite pleased with the yarn/knitting area. Plus I found interchangeable circular needles... hello! I'd seen the $70 kit at Michael's before but had no idea that they sold interchangeables as singles! I was quite happy at the discovery.
I began a Mason-Dixon warshrag but will probably rip it out. I've got the process down now, but I was using needles that were too big, and I was using Sugar & Creme instead of Peaches & Creme because that's all I could find. :o( Nice yarn, but I think it's too thick for this project. What I really want to do is start one of the log cabin blankets. Maybe a baby one for nephew #2 who will be making his debut appearance in October. :o)
Oh and I also started (as in I casted on and then put the needles down lol) a bag that will most likely be my mom's. It's a bag I made a post about a while ago... got the ribbon yarn for it for a buck a roll... :o)
Fabulous quote from my Ravyn yesterday. She's 6 and was sitting with my baby brother Brian who is 10: "Aunt Kellie is working on a crazy sock. When she finishes something, she picks up somethine else and starts it right away!" Hehe yeah that's about how I am with knitting lately. :op
Anywho... that's about all for now. :o)